best-of instagram posts
I've used instagram throughout my whole japanese immersion journey, to meet other like-minded learners and log my progress. However, it's kind of a transient medium so it's easy for posts to get lost. Here's an archive of links to my favourite posts I've made on instagram, organised by theme.
jump to: Motivation and Inspiration, Advice and Instruction, Japanese Media Reviews, Monthly Roundups.
Motivation and Inspiration: posts to get you hyped
language learning is like sewing
the illusion of important choices
you want to learn to read manga, but you're not there yet
how to read more in japanese (part 1)
how to read more in japanese (part 2)
if you're vibing, then you're winning
why you should read doujinishi
language learning is better when you give less of a shit
reading sloppy style 2: swiss cheesing
how to hack your attention span
a year of reading visual novels
the RIGHT way to learn japanese
how to get out of a slump guaranteed
the difficulty of everything and the value of nothing
how to start reading: the most effective beginner reading material
Advice and Instruction
quick and dirty guide to sentence mining (my OG guide. the info on this site is much more complete, but this is a very brief overview)
the monolingual transition: what and why?
the monolingual transition: how, and my dictionary set-up
why beginners shouldn't read yotsuba
how many kanji to read a visual novel?
intensive vs extensive reading: which is best?
language learning with chronic illness (1)
language learning with chronic illness (2)
Japanese Content Recos: Things I've loved
Visual Novels: